Mailroom English


Mailroom is a linux machine in HackTheBox's Open Beta Season.



View website, it show Made with ♥ for mailroom.htb, add mailroom.htb in hosts file.
Brute-force subdomain with gobuster:
Add git.mailroom.htb in hosts file. View git.mailroom.htb, this is a Gitea website. Browsing the site it shows sourcecode staffroom.
Read file auth.php
I see another subdomain exists staff-review-panel.mailroom.htb add to the file host, try to open the website but the website gives an error, I guess it's a private website.
Then the site shows me a popup:
Create 1 payload file pwned.js, code redirects to subdomain staff-review-panel.mailroom.htb, As a result, I get the base64 content of the index.php file.
Instead of sending from Contact, I use burpsuite to send the payload.
In file auth.php:
$user = $collection->findOne(['email' => $_POST['email'], 'password' => $_POST['password']]);
Service connects to mongodb, from this code, I guess I can use nosql injection exploit.
The results show that the nosql inject exploit is successful.
With regex nosql injection. I write a payload that does the brute-force email.
I see that the process is scanning to an then stop, the reason may be overtime running process.
I changed cal(chars, ""); to cal(chars, "an"); and try again.
Continue with the steps above until no further response is received.
I get the username, I do the same with the password.
You can try to use 2 file passpwned.js and userpwned.js in source my code pwned instead pwnedpass.js and pwneduser.js.
Now, i got the email: ****tan@mailroom.thb and password:  69t*********. Use them for ssh login.
I had Tristan Shell.
My English is not good so if you want to share anything please comment below, I have set  comment for all user.


Dryu8 is just a newbie in pentesting and loves to drink beer. I will be happy if you can donate me with a beer.


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